Thursday, August 5, 2010

Under the Sea Amigurumi Crochet Patterns

Hi crafty friends! It's been a while since I've posted and I bet you are all ready for some crochet inspiration.....maybe in the form of some free patterns?!  Yes?! Travelling around the blogosphere lately has been loads of fun and always leaves me overflowing with ideas and motivation to share with you.  Just for fun I decided to do a nautical theme for our get together today. So grab your coffee or tea, sit back, relax and enjoy some crochet eye candy!

 Clownfish  Doesn't he look just like Nemo?

Spongebob Square Pants  - Both Spongebob and Patrick Star are from the very talented Kalena aka the Late Night Hooker.  Have a look around
her site while you're there for more awesome patterns and crochet inspiration.   

Seashell Earrings - once on the site scroll down to download the pdf for this pattern.

And if you're feeling really ambitious how about this Hyperbolic Coral Reef?

I really love this unique "Sea of Life" pin.  How creative!

So there you go!  I hope you find something you like and your creative juices are flowing!

Can you believe that the year is half over?  Yep, we're over half way to Christmas already!  Sooo....I guess it's time to start thinking about all those cozy fall crochet projects, as well as Halloween projects.  I'm working on a new super cute (and free) amigurumi Chihuahua pattern right now, as well as continuing to write patterns for some of my original I'll be super busy between now and then, but I'm already on the lookout for some special holiday crochet patterns for the upcoming holidays because they'll be here before we know it!

What are all of you working on these days?  Please feel free to post a link so we can all check it out.

Thanks for visiting as always!


  1. Que lindos trabalhos. Parabéns.
    Beijos do Brasil

  2. Sonya, you've been hooked by a bit o' sunshine!
    I've nominated you for a Talent Award! You can pick it up, along with instructions, here:

  3. Beautiful, I love that Sponge Bob and Patrick. Beautiful!

  4. I love your underwater collection! They are just so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Me encantan los amigurumis de mar que tienes!Me he hecho tu seguidora y me gustaria que tu fueras la mia.Besos

  6. they are all cute wish i was living under the sea with them.

  7. Hi! what a wonderful blog! thanks for sharing!

  8. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  9. Amazing! I'm alredy fan of it. Greating's from Poland.

  10. OMG, these are wonderful! Gotta get my crochet hooks out ASAP! I am your newest follower from MBC and hope you will follow me too at Thanks!
