Monday, November 9, 2009

What a "doll"!

I've been busy, busy trying to finish up all my unfinished projects before I start my holiday crochet and crafting. I finally finished designing and crocheting the doll I started when I was at the beach.


I fully intended to write a pattern for her, but somewhere in the crocheting, ripping out, crocheting, and re-ripping I'm not sure if I could actually make a final draft of the pattern. In fact, I'd actually hate to see any doll created from this messy pattern! I think I can still decipher the main parts so there may be a legible (and logical) pattern for her sometime in the future.

I left the face & hair on this doll for last because I've found that the doll, or whatever I'm making at the time, seems to develop a personality as I go. If I wait until that happens, the personality starts to emerge, then I usually know exactly what kind of hair she should have and I can almost see her face in my mind.

I really wanted to do something different with her eyes so I didn't put safety eyes in before I stuffed and sewed her head closed. I later regretted that decision because you see, I can't embroider. Let me re-phrase that. I can embroider, I'm just not very good at it. I'm really bad at it. Awful in fact. By the time I experimented, embroidered and ripped, and ripped and embroidered, the eyes and mouth took almost as long as all of the rest of her combined. Sigh.

The hair was the fun part. I had no clue how to make the spiral curly Q hair, but thanks to the internet and some trial and error I worked my way thru it.

I made a skull cap "wig" and sewed it on her head. Then ran long stitches from the edge to the crown all the way around to give it the "pulled back" hair effect. Next I made a long chain and crocheted the curly Q's on it, and then sewed it in a circle on top of her head. I wish now that I would have taken pictures so I could explain it better. Next time I will take pics & maybe even make a tutorial.

"Before" and "After"

So there you have it. My second original amigurumi design is done and I feel like I might actually be getting better at it.

Now that the doll is finished, I'm playing around with some odds and ends....a few cool motifs I've been wanting to try, some very cute crochet ankle booties (which might become knee high booties before it's over!), and of course the holiday crafting that I should have started on a month ago.

As always, thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi!!! is very pretty your doll, Kiss from Venezuela... Thanks for your visit!!!

  2. Wowww.....great work! Thanks for following my blog.Stopped over from MBC.

  3. Hey, look at that!
    It's so fun that she's obviously a beach gal to remember your time at the beach. ;o)

  4. What a cute sexy doll! Please work out the pattern...I would love to try to make this..
