Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello Kitty Angel

Here she is at last! My hello kitty angel is finally done! I love her now, but I must admit she was a big pain to crochet! I discovered when I started the body that something was amiss, and I began to suspect I had a poorly translated version of a Japanese pattern. For those of you who are familiar with increasing in crochet you will see what I mean. Here are the instructions for the first few rows of the body:

In pink
Round 1: 18 single crochet in a double loop start. In this manner you will avoid to have a hole at the tip of the head. <-------this was on every single part, arms, legs, all of
Round 2: Increase of 24 stitches (total 42 stitches in this row).

Is it just me? Or is this strange to first of all start out with 18 sc in my starting loop, but then to increase from 18 to 42 in one row??? I've never seen an ami pattern like that. Yikes. The whole pattern was a little weird, but thankfully I was able to perservere and I have a beautiful little angel to show for it!

I think she turned out really sweet! But I think I'll re-write that pattern if I ever decide to make another one of these!

I used a tiny piece of felt for her nose.

Doing the 'meet and greet' with Daisy the fawn.

So much PINK!

And here's my newest snail amigurumi. I crocheted him awhile back, but didn't post any pics of him. I love these little snails. So cute yet so quick and fun to crochet.

In case you missed it when I posted the link to the free snail pattern in an earlier post, here is the link again.

Next on my amigurumi agenda is a tiny chihuahua. Being the chihuahua lady that I am, I can't wait to finish this one!

Thanks for visiting as always!


  1. You did a fantastic job on both your creations. Thanks for sharing!

  2. oh man, those are cute. my daughter would flip for the kitty. found you on mbc

    I'm following. :)

  3. Sonja your little guys are sooo sweet! What a wonderful job you did! I can only crochet in a straight line or a circle in a single stitch , so I am completely in awe of your work! ~ Cindy

    Btw, thank you for your kind comments on my blog!

  4. You have such cute stuff! My grandma crchets and I have always wished I had inherited the talent!
    Following from MBC!

  5. i would love this pattern, where did you find it?

  6. soyna,

    your stuff is amazing! my little girl has just discovered hello kitty, should i attempt it?

    lucy :)

  7. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you .... ive been going crazy over this too, i thought it was just me ! untill i seen your blog. now i can complete my Angel .
    thank-you for taking the time to post .
